“Horny In The Dorms” is a 21 chapter story written by Hitch Bolen, following a horny young college freshman by the same name who winds up in some hot situations with his fellow students. Check out a snippet from one of the chapters below;

“Follow me,” he said, grabbing my arm and leading me from the stall to the
showers. I stumbled after him, trying to maintain a grip on the small
bundle of clothes. He pulled it all away from me, set it on the floor, and
pushed me into the shower area, now very hot, steamy and full of naked
black men.

Before I knew what was happening, Sky pushed me under the spray of the
shower, and announced, “Guys, this is my friend Hitch. He needs photos of
your cocks to win a contest. Who's man enough?” He paraded me down the row
of showers and although my cock wasn't the only one in the XXL range, it
was the only one almost completely erect, and mine was considerably pinker.

A chorus of guys exclaiming that they'd “never seen anything thing that
long and white before,” and “ouch!” and “can I touch it?” and “sign me up.”
And, as I was already pretty horny, having all that attention and groping
hands, soapy and sudsy in the steamy shower overloaded with hard, athletic
guys was pretty much a dream come true. I looked from body to body, and saw
plenty of long cocks, big balls, and dicks of all shapes and sizes. I guess
it's true what they say about black cocks, because even the smallest dick
was at least five inches soft, and most were a lot longer. Their cock heads
ranged from dark brown to bright red, and most of them clearly trimmed or
shaved their pubes completely.

They were clearly enjoying the hot water, soaping each other up, jumping up
and down together, like one mass of arms, legs, backs, butts and chests,
the white soaps contrasting nicely against their dark skin. Someone started
a loud song I didn't know, and the whole group began to sing it at the top
of their voices.

I smiled broadly, and said to Sky, “this is great! I really appreciate your

“I didn't bring any soap!” I called out to the room, and within seconds, I
was covered with wet soapy bodies, from every direction. I put my arms up
above my head and moved with the tide of the group. I could feel brawny
muscles, hard bones, firm hands and some other body parts rubbing me all
over, covering me with soap and making me feel very slippery and my cock
was getting a good rubbing as I moved through the room.

At the far end of the shower area, I found myself in the middle of a
cluster of bodies all moving, dancing and full-frontal massaging each other
in the spray of the hot showers. I found that mine was no longer the only
erection, but the mass of bodies made it hard to know whose body parts
belonged to whom, and I found my cock tucked tightly between the legs of
someone in front of me, while another guy's body was pressed firmly to my

I had soap in my eyes, so I'm not certain about what I was seeing. The song
rose to another verse, and their voices got even louder, and the jumping
and writhing became more intense. I felt like I stumbled into some sort of
tribal frenzied fertility ritual. The rubbing of my excited cock against
all these guys' bodies was driving me nuts. I was lubricated head to toe,
so the skin-on-skin contact was full-bodied, and my hands found themselves
holding onto other bodies for support as we jumped repeatedly with the
tempo of the song. There was the smell of boys — earth and sweat, soap,
shampoos and perfumed bodywash — like incense, so strong it got in your
mouth. And even though I didn't know the song at all, with the mushy echoes
of the tiled room pushing the noise back into your ears with relentless
power, it was almost sensory overload.

Almost. The overwhelming sensory experience was of ten or twelve strong
youthful, lean, brown bodies (with one very light pink one thrown in)
jumping, rubbing, and writhing in what can only be called an orgy of
muscle, skin and, yes, joy. It was a celebration of maleness, our penises
hard and full of energy and power, sensitized and ready to blow at any

No one was sucking or fucking as far as I could tell, but everyone was
excited, hard, thrilled to be wet, soapy and erect. It started to feel like
a group orgasm was about to happen, as the rhythm of the song, the jumping
and the close rubbing got faster, more purposeful, and the feeling of other
cocks rubbing against my back, my legs, my stomach, got more pronounced.

I started to cum so suddenly that I almost didn't know it was me, the
sensation of being crushed in the middle of this huddle of naked
bodies… the slipping up and down of my cock on someone's hip, sometimes
sliding between their ass cheeks, someone's washboard abs… thick streams
of my cum spreading throughout the group.

The guys' singing began to break down and voices got husky and rough, and
it was clear that the feeling was spreading. They screamed like murder as
they came. The group formed one tight bundle, and the feeling that someone
was cumming was unmistakable. Somebody's legs began to twitch and tremble,
then another then another, and one by one every guy emptied their balls of
their load of sperm into the group.

You can read the rest of “Horny In The Dorms” here.